- South East Dublin Department of Anaesthesia

Care of the Hickmann Catheter: Learning your Lines

This video describes the homecare requirements of the Hickmann Catheter.

These lines, which are increasingly used, mainly in the treatment of cancer and leukemia, give immense benefits to patients. The video presentation demonstrates the main steps involved with keeping these lines in good working order, namely cleaning, dressing and flushing. It also offers general advice on lifestyle concerns. They greatly improve the quality of life, as they reduce or even remove completely the ongoing pain and suffering which may be involved in giving blood or intravenous treatments.

The hope is that those involved, patients, family and carers, will quickly become familiar and confident with managing the lines.We at St. Vincent's University Hospital and the Irish Cancer Society are confident that you will quickly learn the step and gain new found freedom.

This video is approx. 10 minutes in length and is in 'Flash Movie ' format.
To play this video Flash Player needs to be pre-installed. If you require this player please click here

This video was prepared by Dr. Alan McShane, St. Vincent's University Hospital, with the aid of funding from the Irish Cancer Society. 


For further information, or copies of the video, please contact either:


St. Vincent's Hospital logo

Dr. Alan McShane,

Department of Anaesthesia,
St. Vincent's University Hospital,
Elm Park,
Dublin 4.

Tel: 01 - 2094262

ICS logo

Irish Cancer Society,

43/45 Northumberland Road,
Dublin 4,

Tel: 01 - 2310 500